
How to Upload the Files via FTP ? Print

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FTP Procedure for windows


The FTP refers to File Transfer Protocol, a method by which file are transferred to the remote server from local system. To FTP, you should have FTP client or software such as ws_ftp or cute ftp  .The following procedure will help you how to upload through an FTP client.

Required Information

You must have a FTP client such as ws_ftp or cute ftp.


[1] Open ws_ftp or cute ftp.

[ ! Notes ]
You can download the ftp clients  from or
Install the software in your system.
Most of the downloads are try out versions of the FTP clients.

[2] Supply your domain name for the site label.

[3] Supply or corresponding server ip address for the Host Address.

[ ! Notes ]
If you are in a network LAN, then you should IP address instead of ""

[4] Supply your user name as provided by Silicon House in the user name textbox.

[5] Supply your password as provided by Silicon House in the password textbox.

[6] Click on connect.

[7] Your ftp client will now try to connect to the server. Once connected it will display folders in the right side.

[ ! Notes ]
The folders of the local system is listed on the left side while the folders of the remote server is listed on the right side.

[8] Now you should be able to see folders such as httpdocs,webusers etc

[9] Double click on the "httpdocs" folder of the server.

[ ! Notes ]

httpdocs  is your root folder in the server.
All database, images and other files should be uploaded inside this folder.
The home page of your site must be named as "index.html"
"All database, images and other files should be uploaded inside this folder.
The home page of your site must be named as "index.html"

[10] Your left side represents your local system. Browse through to the folder where you have your website files saved in your machine.

[11] Drag and drop the files you need to upload in the server.

[ ! Notes ]
The home page of your site must be named as index.html

[12] Once the uploading is completed, your files will be listed in the right side of the ftp client.

[13] Close the FTP client.

[ * Tips ]
After uploading your files if you see folders while accessing your site in Internet Explorer, you have not uploaded "index.html" or your home page is not named as "index.html".
After uploading your files in your FTP, if you still see our site coming soon page, then you have not named your home page as "index.html" or you have not deleted our default page. Delete the default "index.html" file and upload your "index.html" file again.

[  ! Notes ]
You might not be able to access your FTP if your connectivity is slower.
If you access as it will take minimum upto 48 hrs to reflect from the time registration of the domain to access your cPanel.
If your user name or password is wrong, you will not be able to access your FTP.
If your account is suspended due to excess bandwidth usage or server usage, your access will be suspended.
Unless you upload your site or FTP your website, it will not be visible in the internet. In web server terms "hosting" is referred to FTPing your website and making your site online.
Avoid FTP ing from public terminals due to security and virus threats.
No files should be uploaded outside the "httpdocs" folder
Once after uploading your contents, you must remove user name & password from your FTP client.
FTP and cPanel user name & password are same.

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