
Install CWP on CentOS 7 Print

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There are many free and paid control panels available for managing Linux Servers. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to manage and install CWP (CentOS Web Panel). CWP is a free and open source webhosting control panel for RPM based Linux OS like CentOS, Redhat, CloudLinux. CWP is comes with LAMP( Linux Apache MySQL/MariaDB PHP) stack. CWP port numbers are:

SSL: 2031

Non SSL: 2030


Here are the most beneficial features for Webhosting offered by CentOS Web Panel.

Apache Webserver

MySQL/Maria DB with phpMyAdmin

PHP 5.6

EMAIL: PostFix and Dovecote, mailboxes, RoundCube webmail interface, Spamassasin


Free DNS server

cPanel account migration

Easy user management interface.


Install CWP on CentOS 7

1) Login to server through SSH as a root user.

2) Update the server and install wget.

# yum update -y

# yum install wget

3) Go to src directory.

#cd /usr/local/src/

4) Download the latest version of CWP.

# wget

5) Start CWP installation.

# sh cwp-el7-latest


It may take up 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete the installation process because it needs to compile Apache and PHP from the source code.

Once the installation is completed, you will get the following messages as shown in the following image.


Then press the “Enter” key to reboot the server.

Once the server reboot is completed, you can access CWP through browser.

user: root

Password: Enter your root password.


If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.

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