
Common Website Issues Print

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Common Website Issues


Common Issues With Your Website – Basic Troubleshooting

  1. I can’t see my website!
  2. I made changes, but my website still looks the same.
  3. When I go to my website I just see an index listing.
  4. I still see your “Website Coming Soon” page.
  5. All of a sudden everything stopped working…My site, email, FTP…
  6. After uploading, there seems to be pages and images missing.

1. I can’t see my website!

-If you’re account and/or domain is new, or you recently made DNS changes, your domain name may not have propagated through the system yet. This usually takes about 4 – 24 hours, while sometimes as soon as 15-30 minutes.

-If you were able to access your site before, try to pull it up via your Temp URL. This is the URL listed in AMP under Admin Details in the form of, with ‘.

  • Your domain name may have expired.
  • Your domain name may not be pointed to our nameservers (check this with

2. I made changes to my site, but it still looks the same

Usually when this happens it is because your web browser is calling up a cached version of your site from your computer, and not the server. You can fix this by doing a refresh (or Ctrl+F5), or clearing the cache in your web browser.

3. When I go to my website all I see is an Index listing.

Your website may be missing an index page. By default, your browser will look for a file in your website called index.htm/html/shtml/php/etc. or default.htm/html/…. If your website does not have a file by one of these names, then it will show an index listing of everything in your public_html. To fix this, make sure that your home page is named something like index.html, or one of the alternatives listed above. If you do have an index page, you may have not uploaded your files into the right directory. The index page must exist directly in the public_html folder, not outside of it or in a subdirectory. The only exception to the latter is if you have redirects set up.

4. I still see your “Website Coming Soon” page after uploading my site

  • Try refreshing your browser (or Ctrl+F5), as you may be displaying a cached version of your site.
  • Your home page might be named something other than index.html. By default, the server will read index.html first, so if your homepage is named index.htm, ours will take presidence. Either rename your homepage to index.html, or remove ours.
  • Your files were not uploaded directly into public_html.

5. All of a sudden everything stopped working…My site, email, FTP…

  • Check your connectivity to the internet. Obviously if you are reading this, your internet connection isn’t the issue.
  • Try to access your site, Temp URL, email, FTP. If you cannot connect to any of these, try to connect to your site on another computer or through a proxy. If you are able to see your site, then there is a possibility that your IP has been blocked and you will need to contact us.

If you still can’t access your site from another computer, there could be various reasons. Please contact us for resolution.

6. I know I uploaded everything, but some of my pages and images are missing

  • Are you sure you uploaded everything? Double check to make sure that all your files, folders, and images are on the server.
  • Your links may be incorrect, as filenames are case-sensitive on Linux servers. If your HTML link is lowercase but the file it points to is capitalized, then the link will not work properly.
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